I Did it. I have done it. I got it. I m now officially Project Management Certified professional.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Thursday, May 4, 2023
The END Game
Well the time has come.
15th may 2023 is the PMP exam date I have chosen.
Preparing in all ways.
I just need full process knowledge I feel in adequate in this area. I have to digest all the process knowledge which is 50% of the exam.
I just have to ace people knowledge that I 42% , that is about it.
The rest of it is business. 8%.
Will post more and I m very strongly believing in posting PMP certified on my name.
Will see.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Change Management
A big shift :-
As we emerge out of those cobwebs and internal issues. Looking at the broader perspective. What life is all about. How much are we utilizing our time here on earth. What are we really suppose to do. How well are we accumulating knowledge and how well are we able to improve talent and grow oneself to be a better human being.
Change is inevitable. No one can stop it. When you resist change, you miss all the goodies that come along with it. If you we like to keep the old ways. Then there is a problem with you. If you notice, you age changes, your body changes, your face changes, you perspective of life changes. Your belief system changes. You kids change, Your wife change. Your surrounding change. Change is every where and it is how we evolve..
Evolving : -
As much as we love to stay in our comfort zone and be happy. It is not the design of the nature. A cocoon can't stay in the nest. It has to grow and change to butterfly. Only then world would appreciate. The evolving process is different with everyone. You can't be the same and stay the same. Find the evolving aspects that are fostering in your life. Be that person that welcome change and try to evolve.
Fostering :-
Fostering change, creating environment to adapt to change. We can't live life looking back, we have to look forward and get on with it. We can't change the past, but we sure can shape the future. Foster the change that needed to improve yourself. Improve your talking skills, Improve your communications skills, Improve your lifestyle, Improve your whole self to be that better human being that we all need.
Adapting :-
Who are we kidding, If we don't adapt. Who are we kidding. It is just the way you adapt and convert yourself to use the change process that nature is bringing on to you. Try to adapt the situation and move one.
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Self love
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Pastor Goal
Church :- The term Church The word translated "church" in the English Bible is ekklesia. This word is the Greek words kaleo (to call), with the prefix ek (out). Thus, the word means "the called out ones." However, the English word "church" does not come from ekklesia but from the word kuriakon, which means "dedicated to the Lord."
My Terminology for Church : -
A group of people that come together to worship, To pray, To support one another in the good and bad, To teach and to learn our walk in accordance with the Biblical Principles. To act as a family which consists of different families. And be a replacement of family for the ones who lost their loved ones by being spiritual family.
What are my Goals for Church :-
- Build a self sustaining organization that can support the needs of the church members.
- A progressive Growth of each member in all aspects of life including spirituality.
- A definitive standards that define the level of growth of each believer.
- A culminate growth where there is no hierarchy but only Holy Spirit is our leader.
- Removing idolatry and traditions that are not biblical and Establishing biblical traditions.
- Inspire believers to be leaders and entrepreneurs. Who can live the biblical blessing of you be a giver but not receiver. You be head, not tail.
- Create growth environment, Where teens, kids, adults every one can grow by learning and by making mistakes and learning from mistakes.
- Removing cast out of the church and create humanitarian values.
- Every law is for human betterment, Any law that defies human betterment is not to be observed.
Dance Ministry :-
- Use inspirational Social movie songs to attract crowd.
- Preach like you preach at the jail. Do not use the word Jesus.
- Use Story telling technique to help people understand like Jesus used parables when he preached.
- Address social problems.
- Financial problems
- Why they are poor.
- What made them poor.
- How they became poor.
- What principles they are not following to become wealthy.
- How to become rich and wealthy and healthy.
- Family Problems
- Issues regarding Husband & Wife.
- Issues regarding Children future.
- What are their rights from the Government.
- What are their responsibilities.
- How to raise kids.
- How to handle teens.
- How to be with adults.
- How to be with married children.
- Addictions
- How to recognize addiction.
- How to stop addictions.
- Where can they get help.
- Who will help, Is it by Gov or NGO.
- How to find help Centers.
- Invitation :-
- Repentance
- First I need to repent of my sins.
- Then share my Journey of repentance.
- Invite people who can relate to my journey to repent.
- Repentance
- First I need to repent of my sins.
- Then share my Journey of repentance.
- Invite people who can relate to my journey to repent.
Change :-
Change Management :-
- Recognize the issues that needs to be changed.
- Find solutions to resolve the issues.
- What emotions that are leading to that sin issue
- Which desires of the flesh is domination your emotions.
Google Certification Achievement.
I did it my way
I have done it. Yes sir/Mam. I m on track. My learning curve is finally on track. I have signed up for 2 more courses by META Javascript and HTML &CSS certification. I m going to finish them too and add them to my LinkedIn. I will learn so much like AMBEDKAR. With all his degree and stuff. I will be like him. I will help my people and uplift them.
Journey :-
Tough :-
That day :-
Dawning :-
That Moment :-
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
A happy Man
What does a man want :
I believe we all want different things in different way. But at the end, we be a happy person, Only on getting what we want.
Why am I happy :
Well typically, I m bit a appreciator of beauty. Lately I feel like I do have beautiful friends. I have this inferiorty complex that I m dark. And I don't look good. Even thought I was appreciated and got trained little bit as model. I did get compliments by strangers (aunties) when I was young. Like nice black horse, nice black hard fish, etc... I still hated that black part. So I did not took it to my heart as that black still sticks on my face. I wanted to be white, or yellow.. I tried fair and lovely and all kinds of fairness tricks and creams. They are not that good. I got to keep my self clean all the time. There is white privilege for white skin that even they do not keep themselves clean they look good.
I on the other hand, had to take 7 baths a day. There was a time, I decided to get 2nd looks from people gals, boys, uncles, aunts. I wanted them to stare at me and appreciate. So I took a wow and kept myself clean. Imagine 7 baths a day. A peel off cream to go with it every time when I go out..
Pay off time did came, When my best friend saw me from distance and said wow due. You look so amazing, People can't put a finger on your blackness. So that where I stopped. I did not tried to be beautiful any more. I don't even buy myself pretty clothes or even good clothes. I just use my brother's clothes. Every time comes to India he leaves his clothes. I don't know why but I just use them. I feel like I don't deserve.
But lately, I m having friends and by looking at them I m feeling I should start my 7 baths a day policy. I m so happy and I know why. Coz I got high...(afroman song).... No I m not high, I don't get high. Infact I don't want to be stones or drink alcohol.
I m a healthy person with good health, Why ruin this good Wealth. People pay to have health like me. But still I have belly that I need to loose.....
Dream Came true :
Finally that dream of watching and doing voice chat and video chat came true this morning. Her name is priya she works as tester in Bangalore. I know its a sin, but still I did that thing that I dreamt of... Just keep talking like I m chatting. Woo it was wonderful experience. I m not into her but I m appreciating the fact that I can voice chat now. She speaks Telugu and she is from Anantapuram settled in Bangalore when she was kid. She said she is 36, but does't look 36 at all. Oooo boy I m happy happy happy. I m so happy that I don't feel like I need alcohol to replace my happiness.. Coz it is just makes me feel dizzy. This happiness is bringing me satisfaction and it is natural. I don't need to induce myself some liquid to feel happy.. All my thoughts and fantasies around booze are a waste. If you have a good company that is a good drug..
My heart is weeping :
I m seriously wasting my time. I m suppose to spread the good news and tell how wonderful it is to be with the LORD. I can teach them how to be happy and joyful. Instead I m using alcohol to keep me happy. I don't need, I never needed. I bought that bluff. I like beaches, but I can't just keep looking at it. I got to learn scuba-diving , skewing,
etc.. all that water sports people do to enjoy. I want to do that. I want to buy a
beach atv bikes that goes on sand
Another one water scooter that I can drive in water...
I want to do all those things when I go to beach. I want to make a video out of those and put on my YouTube channel. BeachAnand.
See there are lot of things I can do but I replaced alcohol , replacing all of them.
I want to go to outreach and preach.
I want to do dancing ministry where I perform MOB dancing.
It is so much fun doing all that.
After learning these project management courses. I will pursue my dream.
I have lot to talk about but, for today . I m so happy. Coz I got what I wanted.
for now signing off..